Thursday, August 23, 2007

Bathroom Battles

This evening Nancy wet herself. I got home from work, fixed dinner, worked-out, and chatted with mom for a bit. I was going to use the computer, but mom wanted to finish blogging. So, I told her I was going to go get ready for bed. As soon as I stripped down and soaped up my face Nancy needed the bathroom. I should have just given it to her. The thing is, this is a common occurrence at my house.

Nancy is my mentally handicapped sister. She is mentally retarded, paranoid schizophrenic, and has systemic lupus eremotsis. I’m a caregiver. My mother has all her wits about her, but a few years ago she fell, crushed her knee, and hurt her back. She is nearly 70 and has diabetes and high blood pressure. Because of this, she doesn’t heal as well. So, I help her with the things she is unable to do anymore.

Back to this evening, I was washing my face when she whipped the door open and smacked my elbow with the door. This irritated me to no end and I told her to go on. “But I have to pee,” she said. “Every time, I come into the bathroom you want in here, too! Now, go on. When I’m finished, you can have it,” I said so sweetly! Yeah, right. Honestly, she does wait until she hears me go into the bathroom and then, never fails, wails, “I need the bathroom!” So, I never really know if she is crying wolf or if she needs it. Tonight, she needed it.


Denise said...

I truly applaud your wonderful efforts, you are doing a beautiful job taking care of your sister. I was my mommas caregiver until she passed away last april 21. I know a little bit about what you are dealing with. You are in my thoughts and prayers.