When I was a freshman in college, my roommate and I were bored. So, to add a little excitement to our floor we decided to TP our our wing. We got all the extra rolls of toilet paper out of the stalls and found a stash in the janitor's closet. We were insomniacs and in the middle of the night we snuck quietly into everybody's rooms(only doors that were unlocked) and had a toilet paper party. I remember Kristy and I almost losing it with laughter. We had to rush out into the hallway and try not to wake anyone up. We didn't want to get caught in the act! We did the entire hall and the bathroom. We even did the head RA's room! Uhm, I wouldn't recommend messing with the head RA! We only woke up one person and she thought the whole thing was hilarious and even helped a "little bit". The next morning, there were murmurings, mutterings, and laughter up and down the hall. Who did this? How'd they do this? Well, of course, the truth got out!
Later in the afternoon, We got a call from the Dorm Directer! The message said that she heard of our late night shenanigans and she and the Head RA needed to speak with us. Tonight! Gulp!!! We were freaked out for the entire day. What was going to happen to us? Why did we do it? Ugh! It got to be time for our big meeting and we waited in our room. And waited...and waited...and waited. "Hey, play the message again. She did say we meet here, right?" One more time, "what did it say?" Finally, am hour and a half hour later the head RA showed up. She said the dorm directer never planned on coming. They thought the entire thing was so funny. She said, "what freshman would have the nerve to toilet paper the head RA's room?" She, the dorm directer and our RA had laughed about it for so long and they decided they needed to get us back! Hhmm, our RA was in on it too? Guess it served us right!
Well, after that we were never safe. Even if we locked our door, "somehow" people on our floor could get in and wreak havoc in our room. Not that it was all that clean, but they would hide stuff amidst the junk. One time someone hid an old fashioned alarm clock in our room. We didn't discover it until bedtime and all you could here was tick, TICK, TICK, TICK of the clock. It took us so long to find it. The person who hid it had set to wake us up in the the middle of the night. People would rearrange, hide, and "thieve" things for a very long time! We didn't mind. It was all good natured and we were all enjoying ourselves.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Toilet Paper
Posted by Caregiver's Diary at 10:04 PM 16 comments
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Muscle Woman
Ouch!! I was goofing off at walmart today and totally pulled a chunk of skin off my finger! We were walking down the clearance aisle when I saw a humongous weight and being me....I wanted to see if I could lift it! I could, but not before pinching my hand between the weight and the shelf. Ouch!! I walked over to the pharmacy and asked for a band aid. Don't worry, I'm not going to get too graphic about how much I was bleeding! I'm doing fine now, but just felt like sharing about my smooth moves :)
Posted by Caregiver's Diary at 7:54 PM 2 comments
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Geocaching Pictures
Posted by Caregiver's Diary at 11:37 PM 2 comments
Well, today we plan on geochaching! It is suppose to be a gorgeous day, too. So, we will have a ton of fun tramping through the woods looking for hidden treasure boxes. For those of you who don't know what in the world geocaching is...it is sort of like a high tech treasure hunt. First, you log on to geocaching. com, then you find the coordinates of the little treasure box that somebody hid, then you take your GPS device and hunt until you come near the coordinates. After that, it is up to you and your group look around and find the cache. Usually, it is just a bunch of worthless junk inside the cache, like MacDonald's toys, key chains, cheap dollar store stuff, but the point is to find the cache. Occasionally, there are geocoins in a cache. These are pretty cool and whoever put them there had to spend a little more money than the dollar store for these coins. The rules are that you take something and then put something of your own back. There is also a logbook that you sign for your group and you tell how hard, easy, or fun the cache was. Each cache is labeled for ease or difficulty. If it is an incredibly hard cache the prizes get better. We don't have many of those around here. These are the one that you have to scuba dive, rock climb, solve mysteries and clues that lead you to the next set of clues until finally you get the real coordinates for the cache. So, this game is a lot of fun and I hope we find something today!
Posted by Caregiver's Diary at 9:09 AM 2 comments